- Season 3 Episode 12 5W21

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  • THE SUBWAY; A breakdown on a New York subway traps dozens of people together in one car that include: Greg Downey (Dan Castellaneta), a Broadway dancer (Joe Malone), a pizza deliveryman (Sam McMurray), a Boy Scout leader, a hysterical woman (Anna Levine), a smug rich lady (Anne DeSavo), a drunk, and a local black woman (Tracey Ullman) who tries to calm everyone down. I DO, I WILL; Newlyweds Gary and Joanie Sours (Sam McMurray and Tracey Ullman) think about their future on the morning after their wedding in the bridal suite. HOME HYPNOTISM; Homer tries to control the wild Bart, Lisa and Maggie with hypnotism, but it only turns the kids into mindless zombies.